Saturday, July 6, 2013

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Front fairing of the Freedom Glide

Riding a motorcycle for 36 months throughout the United States and Canada has always been about "the people."

Living, breathing human beings with the same kind of hopes and dreams that I have.

"We hold these truths to be self evident! Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

We all have the same inalienable rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

That which is inalienable cannot be bought, sold, or transferred from one individual to another.

In other words, the personal rights to life and liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States are inalienable.

The pursuit of a better tomorrow is something we all desire.

Lady Road Dog at Rocky Mountain Harley-Davidson
If you stop, wait and listen, I know you will hear the voice, just as I did.

(In a very soft whisper I heard.) Be still, and know, that I am God.

This ride has changed me as a woman, has formed me into a much kinder human being and has inspired me to become a better American, not just for other Americans, but for all those in the world whom God blesses me by meeting them, and listening to their story.

Glory US-A Freedom Ride.

It's all about you, AND it's all about me.

Riding into Salt Lake City yesterday afternoon was a very spiritual experience.

I came to Salt Lake to meet my friend, Mary Lou Tastad, to experience an event and talk about our Bill of Rights and our Declaration of Independence.

I have been led here. And I know something profound is about to happen.

I will write more tomorrow about what I experience today.

Until then, have a wonderful Saturday, July 6th, 2013.

This IS, the next day in this journey we call life.

Don't waste it.

Sending love and my best wishes for your health from Salt Lake City, Utah

Lady Road Dog - Joan Krenning

Glory US-A Freedom Ride is a 36 month motorcycle ride, organized to promote the purchase of American Made products, to promote and protect our Bill of Rights inpsire hope in Americans.
The riding, being done by Joan Krenning, the CEO of DesignWraps Brands, is a gift of love, gladly given by one her fellow Americans, Canadians and to the rest of the World Community.
In Joan's own words, " We don't have a violence problem in our world, we have a love problem. We don't understand what self-love is, and what we don't possess, we cannot give to others."
"Love for our fellow countrymen, that should be our first goal. Love them in spite of how they believe on this issues, instead of because of how they stand on the issues,"

You can reach Joan by:
Text: 608-335-0852
Lady Road Dog Facebook Page
Twitter: Ladyroaddog1

1 comment:

  1. Love your post Joan.You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love you. Your little sis.
