Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Don't Miss the Television Debut of Constitution USA

Today, I was introduced to Peter Sagal. Not personally, but online. Although Peter is the host of a popular TV program, "Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me, I had not heard of him before. As I read, I was delighted at what he had to say.

To my delight, as I read about his new project, I found another Patriot who loves to ride Harley Davidsons, wanting to open up a conversation about our Constitution.

What makes the Constitution a successful document, says Sagal, is less the document itself than the people’s willingness to believe in it. (He says, “You could say it’s worked, with an asterisk.”)

“The Constitution is only as alive as we collectively have decided it is today,” he said. ”I’ve been calling it the Tinkerbell of national charters because Tinkerbell only lives if you clap, right? Or if you say, ‘I do believe in fairies, I do!’ It’s like this: ‘I do believe in civics, I do!’ And everybody believes in it, and we move on. And it’s an amazing phenomenon.”

“Constitution USA” debuts on PBS on May 7.

I know I for one, will be watching.

Won't you join me?

Ride safe!
Lady Road Dog

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