Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Vision Part 1

Today is the Sabbath and I am blessed to be in Loveland, Colorado enjoying the hospitality of my long-time friend, LeAnn Illingworth. This morning we will attend church at Resurrection Fellowship, a church we have attended together for over 20 years.

These are simple joys that can not be purchased or created at will.

They just are and I look at these moments with gratitude.

I can truly say that on my journey, I embrace the days with challenges knowing that God is bringing me to another level. If you ask, OK God, what is the lesson today?" He WILL answer. The key is to listen for the answer and be open to His possibilities. You will be amazed, I promise. And you can hear me say with a smile, "There's your sign."

I am consumed. There is a tension between what is real at this moment and what the possibilities are. It is the state that I stay in, quite honestly.

To focus on what's around you will diminish your ability to focus on what's before you.

What is before me is a vision that God gave me over 23 years ago.

He knew where this life would take me, when my lessons would finally take hold and when I would be ready to step into these shoes He has placed on my path for me.

A very wise man gifted me with a story yesterday that once again opened my eyes to the possibilities that the Lord places in front of me, every day.

I will end with this powerful rendition of the story of Columbus. As you read each word, close your eyes, and image Columbus as he stood on the deck of that ship. Feel what he was feeling. And taste the success he must have tasted as the bird was spotted.

Then pray for God to show you YOUR vision! And be open.......

Riding American Proud
Lady Road Dog

~ True story ~ When Columbus had reached the edge of the map - the "known/best guesstimated" edge of the blue - his first mate implored him to turn back... his answer: Sail on. The next day, again with nothing in sight and farther than ever before from their homeland, the first mate again asked; and again he gave the same answer... Sail on. The third day, the first mate BEGGED him to turn back lest they fall off the earth, etc, etc; and Columbus, knowing all his sailors were listening, turned to him and said in a very loud voice: "Sail On! Sail On! In full faith, SAIL ON!! (A land bird was spotted the next day) - Sail On, my friend... the possibilities will become clear as the reality unfolds in front of you. Posted by a dear friend who supports me as I ride through this journey. Thank you!

A little about Lady Road Dog....
I am the Founder and CEO of DesignWraps Brands, a proud "Made in America" manufacturing company, offering headwear and apparel to the "motorcycle culture" as well as women suffering from hair loss.

I am on a 36 month motorcycle trip, promoting the purchase of American Made Products, promoting the preservation of our Bill of Rights and inspiring Hope in Americans.

I purchased my first Harley-Davidson in 1986. She was a Candy Apple Red Softtail Custom and I loved her with the same passion as my sweet Street Glide. But it was a much different women who rode those highways of America in those lazy days of the 80's.

Follow me as I continue my journey traveling across America, visiting every licensed Harley-Davidson dealership in the lower 48 and who knows......a trip to Alaska is in the works.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Rick Rescorla 9/11 evacuation hero RIP

Although this video is 44 minutes long, it is worth the time you will take to watch it.

This man is a hero.

He lived his life with a purpose that he knew was his reason for being on this earth.

And he died with No Regrets.

Very inspiring.

When you find your purpose be being, and step into it, you will find that sweet spot and your reason for living.

Riding American Proud!
Joan - Lady Road Dog

9/11 Budweiser Commercial - AIRED ONLY ONCE

I have not seen this until today. I have to admit, I shed a few tears.

Wow! Thank you, Budweiser!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Surprises

This morning, after listening to an extremely violent storm all night, I woke to a beautiful day, a day truly made for riding.

After the first 100 miles, I pulled into to gas up at a Ayerco Gas Station. Now the reason I am mentioning the station is because, I have never pulled into this brand of gas station before.

But today I did.

I have found there are no chance meetings in life. Every step I take is planned by God.

2 members of the Lone Wolf No Club out of Hannibal, MO were waiting to meet me as I gased up in Hannibal.

Rodney and Tom, two of the most interesting men I have met, have a true heart for helping.

Their love for children, motorcycles, cars and America came through in everything they talked about.

Carl, pictured on the right, has an extreme passion for purchasing American Made. His resemblance to Elvis is uncanny. They could be related.

Americans who truly love our Bill of Rights and have a heart for their country.

Meeting Rodney, Tom and Carl was my sweet moment for this Sunday.

Riding American Proud

Lady Road Dog

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lazy Saturdays

Heading toward Kansas City, MO today to meet up with Lisa Bone from Bone Mountain brings up the question of which way should I travel? Which road should I take?

What a great problem to have.

I will post pics this afternoon as I travel, so stay tuned in.

I will tell you this much, I will not be on any 4-lane highways.

See you soon!

Riding American Proud

Lady Road Dog

Sunday, September 1, 2013

110th Harley-Davidson Anniversary

Like salmon coming home to spawn, Harley-Davidson Riders rode into Milwaukee from all corners of the globe to take part in the celebration over the Labor Day Week-end of 2013?

How many lives have been touched and how many businesses have been launched because of two men and what began in a two-car garage over 110 years ago.

Celebrating 110 years of a brand that is so front and center in the lives of 10`s of 1000`s of motorcycle riders from all over the globe was a true honor.

The best times are always had when you are meeting up with old friends and making new ones.

I could not have predicted or scripted the wonderful last few days on my visit to Milwaukee to take part in the celebration of the 110th Anniversary of Harley-Davidson.

10's of 1000's of Harley Davidson riders journeyed from all corners of the world.
Lady Road Dog pictured in front of Bergdale Harley-Davidson in Albert Lea, MN on her way into the 110th.
Outside of Detroit Lakes on my way to the Milwaukee 110th Anniversary.
Lady Road Dog with Lisa at the Bone Mountain tent located at Wisconsin Harley-Davidson.
Lady Road Dog with the Alaskan Rogue Riders at the Harley Davidson Museum.

With Andie Gaskins, Osa Donovan and Mary Lou Tastad at the Road Guardians Compound.
Have I mentioned how much I love flags?
With Chris Hawver, the Team Captain of the New Glory Flag Bike Team from Wild Prairie, MN. Chris is also the Co-Founder with Vicki Sanfelipo of the Road Guardians.
Cat Hammes, the One-Legged Blond, Lady Road Dog and Gina Woods
Joan - Lady Road Dog thinks Klock Werks is #1. She loves her FLARE Windshield.
Lady Road Dog, pictured here with Sam Wakim, founder of RIdeWright WHeels and Jesse Jurrens, the founder of Legend Air Suspension. Both men have had a hand in making her ride smoother.
Fierce warrior from Taiwan.
110 years of riding free and independent. 
I have run into this wonderful mother, daughter team all over this summer. Isa Donovan and Mary Lou Tastad.
Pictured with Cindee Re, a women who made my week by meeting her at the 110th Anniversary of Harley-Davidson.

Ellie Rains - your Rider Activity Guide and Founder at Midwest Women Riders and Angie Bahn Thundercloud at Miller Park

Born To Die

We are all Born to Die! It is the one inevitable occurrence in our lives. No choice in the matter.

But how we live out lives, between birth and death is what we do have a choice in.

Live With Purpose

Our family, friends and fellow workers will all get together when we pass, to visit, and to reminisce about us.

What will they say is up to you.

I believe every one of these listed here on these walls found their purpose in life.

The ConnectionBe A Friend, Connect

I am not the same women that rode out of Mesa, AZ on Feb 2nd, 2013.

This ride has transformed.

This morning, I am attending church at Ressurection Fellowship in Loveland, Colorado, the same church that I attended 22 years ago when I first made my decision

This past Friday, I was blessed

I'm a nobody giving knowledge about a somebody who can change your life.

If you touch me it needs to come back out of me.
3 levels that we have
I good
We're good
God is good

When God touches me, it's not just for me, it's so I can be a blessing
It is like the flow in and out
The blessings flow in, so that the blessings may flow out.

The women that I have met this week have been unbelievable, remarkable women. Blessings, every one .

And then I walked into church this morning. I rode here with my friend, Leann, a women that I have been friends with for over 20 years. Entering the front door, I felt at home. Comfortable, familiar surroundings put me right at ease. This place felt safe to me. As we sat in the rear. Taking an entire row gave us the space to strip off the leathers, park them at the end and join in the praise and worship.

The joy in my heart was complete as Arty joined us. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled as she gave me a tight hug. Arty, Leann and I have been friends for over 20 years ago.

20 years ago, we were all in this very place, attending service with our husbands. Clyde & Arty, Jim & Leann and Phil & Joan.

Renewing of the mind.

Teach what you are
Don' t let others tell you who they are, let them show you who they are
2cor 10 r$5
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
We reproduce what we are
Teach renewed thoughts
We the lie is empowered it controls our reality
When we turn to god, he removes the veil
Our job is to be renewed in the mind so that when we reflect to the world around us, we reveal a god that people would like to follow.
Treat everybody equal
I own a business and I need some wisdom
Jesus never shred away from dark places.
I can make a difference.
God do you really want me to go out in the world and encourage the world, to make a difference.

God has already showed up.
Because you've come
See and go

We are wounded as children.
We start to change. But our perception of realty draws us back into