Monday, June 24, 2013

The Open Road .....

Rocky Mountain Harley-Davidson - June 22, 2013
The joy that explodes in my soul each time I take to the open road is one that is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't experienced that same joy and freedom.

That I am blessed to be on this journey with you, on the back of my beautiful Street Glide is a hard one to describe. 

To say that I am living my dream is not enough. It is so much more than that.

Arriving at my destinations are always bittersweet. 

Teresa Anderson, Kyle Doying & Lady Road Dog 

Karen Mathiasen with Sara & "Lucky" Symons
Joy in the arrival to connect with all who I have journeyed to meet but sadness as I depart from my dear friend & lover, the long and winding road and all that I discover as I ride.

All of us were meant to live a life of passion. I have never doubted that for one moment as I travel on my path, on this journey called life.

Tomorrow I will take to the road once again as I leave the Denver/Loveland, Colorado area and journey to the J&P Cycles Open House.

I have made new, exciting solid friendships and visited old friends as well.

LeAnn Illingworth - Friendship that has lasted for 22 years.
As much as I love to visit, I also love the feeling, the pure, unadulterated excitement each time I pack my sweet Freedom Glide. 

The thrill as I swing my leg over her, nestle down into the seat, give a couple of wiggles to get that position just perfect, then turn her over, hear the roar as she springs to life and the click as I put her into gear. Oh my!

This simple powerful process can solve any problem, dispel any worry and place a smile on any face.

There is nothing more important than following your passion in life. Keep your passions where you can see them, say “no” lovingly to all those requests that aren't meant for you as you say yes to your heart, kick her into gear and never look back.

Be happy! And enjoy the ride!
Lady Road Dog

A little about Lady Road Dog....
I am the Founder and CEO of DesignWraps Brands, a proud "Made in America" manufacturing company, offering headwear and apparel to the "motorcycle culture" as well as women suffering from hair loss.

I purchased my first Harley-Davidson in 1986. She was a Candy Apple Red Softtail Custom and I loved her with the same passion as my sweet Street Glide. But it was a much different women who rode those highways of America in those lazy days of the 80's.

Follow me as I continue my journey traveling across America, visiting every licensed Harley-Davidson dealership in the lower 48 and who knows......a trip to Alaska is in the works.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Profile - Mike Freeland - Service Manager at Fort Hood Harley-Davidson

Most of you know that I stop in the licensed Harley-Davidson dealerships to show products and promote for my sponsors.
Mike Freeland on his modified Canary Yellow Road Glide.

When I arrive, I wander for just a bit, snapping photos and getting to know the people.

It does not take long to find that one person that every dealership has, that can tell the story.

The story about what, you ask?

The story of the dealership, the story about life, the story about what it means to be a biker.

At Old Fort Harley-Davidson, Mike Freeland is that guy.

Mike has been at Old Fort HD for over 35 years. With a twinkle in his eye, he smiled as he told me that he had been through 2 owners. He wore the first one out and they had to get him another one.

Mike is old school.

He doesn't work on Mondays. (Do you remember when there wasn't a dealer open on Mondays, anywhere?)
He rides his bike to work, EVERYDAY!
If he can't ride because of snow, he calls in just to let them know he won't be in.
It only happened once last year.

As you can see, the Road Glide that Mike rides is modified and has a sidecar to transport his wheelchair. It was 2003 when he had his motorcycle accident that left his right leg in a brace.

His Road Glide is modified (by Mike himself) with the foot brake on the left side.

My hats go off to this great man.

His smile was infectious, his attitude, positive and he was so gracious when I asked first, if I could snap a few photos, and then if I could write about him.

Mike loved the Freedom Glide. And of course, I had to give him the list.
Those unbelievable rims were donated by Ride Wright Wheels, the Flare Windshield, KlipHanger Handlebars, Curvaceous Dash, Chrome Latches and the Front Fender are all from Klock Werks out of Mitchell, SD.
The awesome Floorboards, Levers and Ignition Switch are the first parts that Roaring Toyz has put out for Harley-Davidsons.
Charging system is Wire Plus out of Kansas.
Cobra Tyres are from Avon.

And I love my Klock Werks Nav Bag.

I think he was as impressed with my ride as I was with his.

Stay tuned for the full story on Mike in one of my future posts on the J&P Cycles Blog.

Until the next time,
Be happy and Ride Safe through this journey called life.

Joan Krenning - Lady Road Dog
Mike supports the purchase of American Made almost more than I do.
We did get along rather well. He also love our Bill of Rights.

About Lady Road Dog:

Why I ride?
  • To promote the purchase of American Made Products.
  • To promote upholding our current Bill of Rights.
  • To inspire hope in Americans at a time when many think there isn't any.
  • I'm here to tell you there is.

My goals are to:
  • Travel 200,000 miles in 36 months
  • Walk through the doors of every licensed Harley Davidson Dealership in the lower 48.
  • Raise $1,000,000 for my Wraps of Hope Foundation. The primary beneficiaries of the funds will be Laura Klock's charity, Helping With Horsepower and the Wounded Warrior Project.
I purchased my first motorcycle in 1986, a brand new Softtail Custom Harley-Davidson from John's Harley-Davidson.
In February of this year, I launched on a 36 month motorcycle tour of America which I call Glory US-A Freedom Ride. I am riding a 2013 Street Glide wrapped in the graphics of the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence and quotes from Abraham Lincoln on equality.

I am extremely passionate about my purpose.

I am the founder and CEO of DesignWraps Brands, a company and brand that I built with my partner, Elizabeth Woltemath. DesignWraps does all of it's manufacturing in America, from the fabrics, to the sewing, to the hang tags, to all of our packaging. We do not use any contractors for our web development or any other intellectual projects that are located out of the United States.

If it wasn't for my love affair with my Harley-Davidson, DesignWraps would not have been born.

When I am not riding (which isn't very often, I enjoy working out, watching sports, especially the NFL, reading, gardening, my family and playing pool.